10 Years In...

Jillian Moore - photo of a woman in a house
Well, I really didn't think I would stick at it this long.
I was a 5-year-cycle kinda gal.
5 years in Montreal, home to Saskatoon. 
5 years at one job, switch. 
5 years at another job, switch. 
5 years in 2 previous houses, move.
You see why I assumed a pattern?
I think I used to hit a steady pace & get bored. I like to switch things up. Which is fine, for throw pillows.
But changing your entire career every 5 years means starting over every time. 
Now that I've stuck to it through 2 of those 5 year cycles I've learnt that with time comes change...right? Obviously. 
You can be in the same house, the same relationship, the same career & not get bored. I chose to dig in.
 If you stay, you continue to grow...branches & roots. 

10 years ago I took a leap, I left my marketing career for a partnership with an established Realtor. 5 years later (and right on track) I decided to leave that team & to branch out on my own.  That system wasn't working for me anymore, but I still loved real estate. I chose to stay but to grow. Instead of completely uprooting myself & starting all over in something completely new I would continue on this path but make it my own.
It wasn't easy. The year I left to go out on my own the real estate market was way down. Sellers were losing money, not fun conversations to have...Buyers were not buying cause they had new options everyday, why rush. I struggled. I also
realized that despite the success I had had in closing deals, I hadn't learnt half of what it takes to be a Realtor®. My first 5 years of real estate I was just whipping through clients, closing deals, next, next. Looking back I cringe at some of the early days. I had a lot to learn.  So I did. And I continue to learn every day - seriously, every day. I have never been stronger, healthier, & more eager to grow...right where I am.
Big thank you to all of you who have stuck with me through the years, and a hearty welcome to anyone who's new here!
~ Jillian